Sealants “Stiz-A”, “Stiz-B”, “Stiz-D”: features of the compositions and application procedure

Stiz B sealant is used for treating balcony and window structures. A one-component paste sealant produced on the basis of acrylic latexes has high adhesive properties to polyvinyl chloride, wood, brick and plaster.

It has a resistant structure to ultraviolet radiation, as well as to natural conditions.

After vulcanization, Stiz B sealant takes on a rubber-like shape. Successfully used in construction for interior and exterior work.

Description of sealants “Stiz-A” and “Stiz-B”

Stiz-A sealant has been present on the construction products market for more than 20 years. It produces a huge number of adhesives, compounds, and sealing compounds. The product is produced in accordance with GOST 30971 and is easily applied to various surfaces, including areas with limited access. After polymerization, the sealant turns into a durable, waterproof, white joint. In addition, the material is available in dark gray, light gray, and brown. At the request of the customer, other pigments can be introduced into it.

Sealing agents for windows “Stiz-A” and “Stiz-B”

"Stiz-A" is a one-component acrylic-based composition. This is a pasty, viscous, plastic mass that continues to remain elastic as it hardens. The acrylate mixture at the base of the sealant has high strength characteristics and powerful protective properties.

The most important feature of the product is its excellent level of adhesion with polymers, so its main area of ​​application is the installation and repair of plastic windows. Among other things, the sealant can be used for the following purposes:

  • sealing any street seams: cracks, voids in metal, wood, concrete;
  • strengthening the outer layers of installation joints;
  • renovation of residential, office, administrative, industrial buildings;
  • insulation of cracks when attaching balcony mechanisms;
  • restoration of cracks in buildings;
  • protection of polyurethane foam from dampness, ultraviolet radiation and moisture on different surfaces;
  • fixing stained glass windows.

Protecting polyurethane foam using Stiz-A
In some cases, instead of this product, it is better to use Stiz-B sealant, which is intended for treating internal seams. This is a one-component vapor barrier composition for sealing window openings and balconies in buildings for any purpose. The product has vapor barrier properties, is resistant to deformation, has a long service life, and is characterized by excellent adhesion to many materials. Both sealants are available in plastic buckets of 3 and 7 kg, as well as hard and soft cartridges of 310 and 600 ml.

"Stiz-V" is used for sealing internal seams

Technical characteristics and composition

The Stiz-A sealant is based on acrylic copolymers, which provide it with basic performance properties. The product also contains defoamers, ammonia, thickeners, plasticizers and elastomers. The composition contains antiseptic additives that prevent the proliferation of bacteria and fungi.

The sealant is sold ready-made; it does not require the addition of hardeners or mixing before application. Main properties and technical parameters of the composition:

  • thixotropy (does not drain from vertical bases);
  • suitability for most building materials (brick, plastic, concrete, plaster, aluminum, PVC, foam concrete, wood);
  • resistance not only to static loads, but also to vibration, deformation and shear;
  • vapor permeability, ability to remove condensate;
  • shrinkage within minimal limits (no more than 20%);
  • elongation to break no less than 250%;
  • formation of the primary film in 2 hours;
  • period until complete polymerization is 48 hours;
  • service life of the sealing seam - 20 years;
  • temperature during application - from –10 to +35 degrees;
  • operating temperature - from –60 to +80 degrees;
  • Possibility of freezing and storing the composition for up to 30 days.

Acrylate sealant "Stiz-A" has good vapor permeability

The sealant can be applied even to a damp base, which is very important when carrying out street work. After curing, the seam will have a matte appearance and will immediately become resistant to UV rays and atmospheric factors. If necessary, the sealant layer can be painted or plastered.

Advantages and disadvantages

“Stiz-A” has a high degree of adhesion, so it reliably adheres to materials, without causing corrosion or rotting. Its vapor permeability is so high that the microclimate in the room will not be disturbed, and fungus and mold will not settle, which happens when there is excessive humidity in the house.

Other advantages of the composition:

  • ease of operation - even a beginner can handle it;
  • no need to connect components;
  • the ability to apply to inclined, vertical, horizontal joints;
  • exclusion of damage under the influence of atmospheric factors for many years;
  • extensive color range;
  • tolerance to mechanical damage;
  • strict compliance with GOST;
  • frost resistance, suitability for harsh climates;
  • low shrinkage;
  • excellent ductility;
  • possibility of coating with paintwork after drying;
  • 100% quality guarantee from the manufacturer.

The product "Stiz-A" is easy to use.
The disadvantages include the short shelf life of the product: even if the packaging is sealed, it will have to be thrown away after a year. The elasticity of the product is slightly lower than that of silicone sealants, so for new buildings prone to shrinkage, it is better to use other compositions. Stiz-A sealant remains porous after drying, so it is used for interior work only as a last resort; it is better to replace it with a more suitable Stiz-B. Otherwise, there is a risk of strong absorption of fumes, darkening of the seam and loss of properties.

Application rules

Work on sealing windows or other joints should be carried out only in dry weather. If the temperature outside is sub-zero, the sealant will have to be heated to +18 degrees (kept in a heated room). It is strictly prohibited to dilute the sealant with water - this will lead to a decrease in its elasticity and other performance properties. To create a reliable and durable seam, you need to make sure that the frames of the window blocks are firmly fixed with polyurethane foam or another method.

Pre-glue the edges of the future seam with masking tape so that the joint is perfectly smooth. The sealant is applied using a mounting gun, which must be prepared in advance. It is most convenient to level the seam with a narrow spatula or a small brush. Also, use a spatula to scoop up and apply sealant, which is sold in plastic buckets.

Work order:

  • use a sharp construction knife to cut off excess foam (the permissible pore size in the foam should not exceed 5–7 mm);
  • wipe the base from dust and dirt;
  • apply the sealant in a strip deep into the joint, avoiding breaks;
  • within 10–20 minutes, level the layer with a spatula;
  • immediately remove the masking tape before the seam sets (if the tape is not stuck, then simply wipe off the excess with a rag);
  • wait until it dries for at least 48 hours, then paint the seam, if required.

STIZ window sealant: application process.

Preparing to apply sealant.

So, the windows are installed without any finishing. It is advisable to seal them with film to protect them from sealant. Although I was able to remove even the frozen sealant from the glass and plastic frame without much difficulty.

The first step is to trim the foam.

If, after trimming, deep “depressions” of more than 6 millimeters appear, they need to be filled with foam and then the excess should be trimmed again.

Next, I additionally dusted and primed those areas of the window opening where the sealant will be applied.

I also degreased the areas of the frame where the sealant would come into contact with it.

Then, on the outside of the window, I applied masking tape to the window frame and to the wall to create boundaries and to get a neat, even seam. Inside, the factory protective film served as a restriction on the window frame. There was no need to glue anything to the inside of the wall, since everything would then be covered by the slopes and the window sill.

When applying, it is necessary that the width of the contact strip of the sealant with the surfaces of the wall and window block is at least 3 millimeters on each side. The layer thickness should ideally be between 3.5 and 5.5 millimeters. Detailed application instructions and technical recommendations are available on the manufacturer’s website.

In some places, on the window side, I slightly deepened the seam using a wire brush. This was done in order to maintain the width of the contact, but minimize it on the front side.

Applying sealant.

The consistency of STIZ sealant resembles very thick sour cream.

Using a spatula, pressing slightly, I applied sealant to the mounting foam along the entire contour, including the window sill areas and wooden frames from old windows. You can apply it with a brush, but it turned out to be more convenient with a spatula.

Next, I passed the brush along the entire length, lightly moistening it with water to make the seam neater. But you need to keep in mind that the manufacturer strongly does not recommend diluting the sealant with water.

After applying the sealant, you must immediately remove the masking tape before it hardens.

The result is smooth, neat contours. Small irregularities can be carefully trimmed with a sharp knife.

On the internal seams in some places there was quite a large layer and small cracks appeared. In these places, locally I applied an additional layer with a brush, which covered everything.

The sealant does not harden quickly. Depends on the layer, temperature and humidity. In some cases we had to wait several days. After curing, it thickens and the gloss disappears.

These sealants can be used in the same way when installing an entrance door.

Storage recommendations

During storage, it is allowed to freeze and defrost the sealant several times (no more than 10 cycles). In a closed container, the composition is stored at a temperature of –5 degrees for a year. After opening, it is advisable to immediately use the sealant, as it may dry out.

If immediate application is not possible, there are a number of methods that will help preserve the product remaining in the tube. Here is one of them:

  1. Press the composition so that the top of the tube is empty.
  2. Remove the piston, melt the plastic and press with pliers to seal the top of the package.
  3. Place the sealed storage container in a cool place.

Window sealant in various packages

You can also transfer the sealant into a glass jar, leaving as little air space as possible on top. After rolling up the jar under an iron lid, place it for storage in a place where there is no access to the sun's rays.

Main features

Among all the features of the Sazilast 11 sealant, it is worth highlighting the main ones:

  • readiness of the polymer composition for use;
  • it is possible to carry out surface painting or tinting of the material (independent creation of the required color of the mixture);
  • ease of use;
  • efficiency (there is no loss of material during operation);
  • can be used for both internal and internal repair work;
  • frost resistance. The sealant does not change its structure even at a temperature of –15C;
  • relatively low cost.

Due to its unique properties, this sealant is considered very convenient for finishing or repair work, and the ability to paint already vulcanized sealant makes it possible to make adjustments to the design elements of the room (building) being repaired.

Is it possible to use “Stiz-B” instead of “Stiz-A” and vice versa?

These products are not interchangeable. "Stiz-A" is considered vapor permeable, which allows moisture to easily leave the seams. “Stiz-B,” on the contrary, prevents water from penetrating into the room, reliably sealing internal joints. It is better to use both products together with each other.

Combined use of "Stiz-A" and "Stiz-B"

Properties of Stiz-V

  • Stiz-B mastic is vapor-tight, so condensation does not form on the windows.
  • The material does not require preliminary preparation and is ready for use.
  • Dried sealant can be painted.
  • Stiz-B has no odor, so it is convenient to work with it indoors.
  • Suitable for use at sub-zero temperatures;
  • Has good adhesion to concrete, PVC, aluminum profiles, wood, brick.
  • Resistant to deformation influences.
  • Convenient for application.

Sealant "Stiz-D"

This product is new to the market of sealing compounds. It has a special purpose and is used to create an additional layer to protect the junction of the window frame and walls from moisture. "Stiz-D" allows you to reduce heat loss in the room and improve the microclimate. The sealant is applied to door and window openings before installing the structure. It is sold in 3 kg cans. The product consumption is approximately 25 g with a seam thickness of 80 mm.

Application of the composition "Stiz-D" when installing frames

Advantages of "Stiz-D"

Using this sealant, you can seriously increase the maintenance-free service life of double-glazed windows, both window, balcony and door. The product improves the water resistance and thermal insulation of the entire structure, reduces the risk of cracks appearing in areas adjacent to the walls. Ultimately, the sealant makes the room warmer. Its advantages:

  • high level of adhesion to materials;
  • good moisture-repellent properties;
  • ease of work;
  • possibility of application at sub-zero temperatures;
  • suitability for any buildings and structures.

The product can be combined with other sealants in this series. It can be stored for no more than 6 months at temperatures above 0 degrees, provided the integrity of the packaging is maintained. When working with sealant, avoid contact with skin and eyes, use protective gloves and be careful.

Stiz-A sealant and its analogs allow for high-quality installation or repair of windows, have a long service life and actually reduce heat loss in the room. Their use will eliminate the appearance of drafts and freezing of windows, which is important for every customer of double-glazed windows and door structures.

STIZ window sealant: final result

From the outside it turned out to be a beautiful and even junction:


Further inside, all installation seams will be covered with plaster slopes and window sills.

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