Batteries in the floor - design, types, do-it-yourself installation

When designing the interiors of modern apartments, houses and offices, designers often resort to non-standard solutions. Typical heating devices may not correspond to the general style of the room; instead, they are increasingly choosing to install inconspicuous heating radiators, which are appropriate in any interior and at the same time quite functional.

Batteries in the floor

In what rooms are floor-mounted radiators installed?

Some models have additional functions, such as condensate drainage, automatic regulation, and programmable climate control.

Trench convector

Such radiators are most in demand in rooms where it is necessary to create a special microclimate:

  • in greenhouses;
  • in museums;
  • in galleries;
  • in houses with panoramic windows.

Radius/angular in-floor convector

The versatility and multifunctionality of radiators built into the floor contribute to the fact that they are preferred when organizing heating in both residential and office premises, as well as in commercial premises.

Built-in convectors are sometimes installed in window sills

Is it worth installing built-in batteries instead of a “warm floor” system?

Both options for heating a room have their advantages and can be used in a particular room, depending on its purpose. It is preferable to install “warm floors” in residential premises, and built-in radiators are more appropriate in areas with high traffic.

The use of “warm floors” is not allowed with floor coverings such as linoleum and parquet. In this sense, built-in batteries are more versatile, as they can be installed with any floor covering.

Electric convector power calculation table

Types of models

Two modifications of radiators are available: with natural and forced convection. The existing fans are powered from a 22 V network or a 12 or 24 V DC source.

Among the various built-in batteries, models designed for both heating and cooling are sold. Two-pipe and four-pipe devices are available. In the first version, the heat exchanger is connected to heating and cooling. In the second, there are two heat exchangers, each of which is connected to one of the systems. Such radiators are more efficient in operation, but also more expensive.

Non-standard types and sizes of radiators.

There are floor-standing models with a fresh air supply function. To do this, air is sucked in through a separate hole, passes through built-in filters, is heated and goes back into the rooms.

For non-standard rooms with existing floor curvature, you can order corner radiators or with the desired radius of curvature. There are heat exchangers on flexible hoses that allow you to take the device out onto the floor and put it back.

Electronic and mechanical thermostats allow you to control and change the temperature and power of radiators built into the floor. Such devices are located inside the case and are controlled using a remote control. Electronic options have the ability to program the heating temperature over time.

Thermostat for radiator

You can also select devices designed for high humidity levels. Such radiators use materials and electrical equipment that are resistant to corrosion. There is also a drainage drain through which condensate is discharged.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of floor-mounted radiators include:

  • Possibility of installation almost anywhere in the room;
  • space saving: you can place a table or chair above the radiator;
  • ease of care;
  • invisibility: can be used in any style interior;
  • no danger to children;
  • protection against cold penetration into the room when installed near the door.

Trench convector Regulus Quattro Mini 15/35/110

Built-in batteries also have a number of minor disadvantages:

  • difficulty in installation;
  • the need to raise the floor level, which entails additional costs for building materials;
  • high cost compared to wall-mounted batteries;
  • reduced efficiency in rooms with ceilings higher than 3 m;
  • spreading dust throughout the room.

Built-in convectors can be powered by electricity

Installation features

Installing recessed batteries into the floor does not require special preparation. In order to do this yourself, you need to thoroughly study the design of heating equipment in the house.

Trench convector POLVAX

To extend the service life of devices, ensure efficient heating of the room and not waste a lot of money and effort, when installing radiators you should pay attention to the following nuances.

  1. Central heating system pressure. Since in-floor radiators are primarily intended for heating country houses, they are generally not designed to withstand the pressures inherent in central heating systems. If you nevertheless decide to install a built-in radiator in an apartment in a multi-storey building, then when choosing a model you should rely, first of all, on this indicator.

    Installation of an in-floor convector

  2. Indoor ceiling height . The larger the volume of the room that needs to be heated, the greater the power of the built-in radiators should be. The calculation is carried out using the formula 1 kW per 10 sq. m.
  3. Electrical supply to water-type heating radiators . This point should be considered at the building design stage or before the renovation of the premises begins. Otherwise, you can only install a radiator with an electric heater.
  4. Floor space required to install radiators . In this case, they rely on the dimensions of the devices. There should be a space between the floor and the radiator, the height of which varies depending on the model of the device.

Installation of an in-floor convector

Table. Step-by-step instructions for installing a floor-mounted radiator with a water heater.

Steps, photoDescription of actions

Step 1

Together with the “warm floor” system, you can install in-floor convectors for additional heating of stained glass windows facing the north or north-west side of the house. They will also serve as heaters in the off-season, when you need to provide the house with a small amount of heat without using the entire heating system. Thus, cost savings are achieved.

Step 2

In terms of dimensions, the radiator model is selected depending on the height of the “warm floor” system. Preference should be given to models with a built-in fan, which will blow the glass of the stained glass window and effectively combat condensation.

Step 3

Central heating pipes are installed and insulated. For radiators with a fan, you will need to install an electrical cable and install a thermostat to monitor the temperature.

Step 4

In-floor convectors are connected to the centralized system by connecting to radiator pipes, located, as a rule, on the side in a compartment hidden under a decorative cover.

Step 5

The distance from the stained glass window to the battery must be at least 50 mm. If you build a convector into the opening of a stained glass window, then its area is significantly reduced and, accordingly, its efficiency decreases. But at the same time, the device does not take up extra space and will not be interfered with by curtains when blowing on stained glass windows.

Step 6

The device comes with instructions, after studying which you can easily connect the radiator according to all the rules and ensure its effective service for many years.


The main advantage of floor batteries is minimal heat loss. This is achieved due to the well-thought-out design and shape of the devices.

Here are other advantages:

  • They have a small height and dimensions, do not cover large windows, do not interfere with the view and do not crowd the room;
  • A considerable range of equipment with different thermal power;
  • Simplicity and ease of installation;
  • They have an attractive, modern look;
  • Heating temperature is adjustable;
  • Affordable price.

Why does the floor-standing type of battery, despite its small size, have excellent thermal power? The thing is that they come in low but wide products. Heat transfer is high. Some models are in no way inferior to wall-mounted, standard types of batteries.

Design of floor-mounted radiators

Built-in batteries have a very simple design. They consist of a metal body. It contains a heating element on which many convective fins are attached. The box is protected from above by a grille located at floor level.

Design of floor-mounted radiators

On a note! Some models are equipped with fans that can be turned off if necessary. This helps increase the air heating rate by up to 90%.

In order to reduce the noise level produced by fans, porous rubber inserts are included in the design of such radiators. Inside the box there are electronic regulators and sensors that are used to control the temperature and fan speed.

FanCOil trench convector with fiberglass body

Since the radiator installed in the floor is inconspicuous, the quality of the device is determined not by its appearance, but by the materials from which its parts are made. Particular attention should be paid to the metal that is used as the basis for the production of the battery. When installing a radiator in rooms with high humidity, preference should be given to devices made of stainless steel. In places with normal humidity levels, it is quite acceptable to use a battery made of galvanized steel. The parts of the device are usually coated with powder paint, which protects them from corrosion.

Radiator built into the floor (in-floor)

The only part of the radiator that is visible after installing the device is the grille, which can be made of the following materials:

  • tree;
  • ordinary, stainless or galvanized steel;
  • aluminum;
  • marble.

Convector Carrera with decorative frame

Grids are also divided into two types:

  • rolls that can be rolled up;
  • linear , which rise only entirely.

Roll-up grilles are available only with cross bars. And in linear gratings, the slats can be located both lengthwise and crosswise. If it is expected that the radiator will be stepped on, then there should be no plastic elements in the grille design.

Convector with stainless steel grate

Heaters in built-in radiators come in two types.

  1. Electrical . They are equipped with closed-type heating elements on which plates are installed. These plates are made of aluminum, copper or steel. They serve to increase the surface in contact with air. A high-quality heating element can be made of stainless steel, which increases its service life. Radiators are manufactured taking into account all safety requirements for electrical devices and are equipped with fuses to protect against failures.
  2. Mermen . They have heaters in the form of a metal tube with plates. Using pipes they are connected to the central heating system. Can be made of aluminum, copper, stainless or galvanized steel. Despite their efficiency, the operation of batteries with copper heating elements in conditions of centralized heating of apartment buildings is difficult. They should be given preference for organizing individual heating.

Water in-floor heating convectors

Since water heating is the most common in our country, when choosing built-in batteries, preference is given to models with water heating elements. Electric radiators are more often used where there is no possibility of connecting to centralized heating.

Floor convector water heating

Principle of operation

Heating a room using them occurs as follows. Cold air enters through a special grille to the radiator, heats it up and exits back into the room through the same grille. By circulating in this way, it ensures that the temperature in the room rises to the desired level.

Battery design in the floor Source

To make a radiator grille in the floor, wood or metal painted in different colors can be used. Those made of metal are more wear-resistant, but at the same time, with strong heating, they can cause discomfort if you step on a bare foot, while the user is guaranteed not to get burned. Wooden ones can be damaged by strong force or pressure. Grilles can have different sizes and appearance, which allows them to be harmoniously combined with a particular room interior.

External battery grille in the floor Source

Installation is carried out close to the windows. In this case, a relief valve is always installed, connected to the radiator. It allows you to remove air from the system, which significantly increases the efficiency of radiators. Special regulators make it possible to set the required temperature in the room.

How to select correctly?

When purchasing, first of all, pay attention to the power of one section in order to calculate the required amount to heat a certain area. You should also take into account the type of radiator with and without forced convection.

The following factors should also be taken into account:

  • The required pressure in the heating system so that the water circulates well and distributes heat relatively evenly throughout all rooms. This is especially true for housing in apartment buildings. You should look at the water pressure in the pipes supplying it to your apartment. Taking this into account, decide whether such pressure will be enough or not. Information about this can be obtained from the Housing Office. And only after making sure that the pressure is sufficient, you can begin to select a specific model of heating radiators. Often, a radiator that can withstand pressure of up to 15 atmospheres is suitable for heating an apartment.
  • Type of energy carrier with certain parameters. For this type of radiator installed in a private home, any type of coolant can be used. This is because the owners independently monitor its condition and temperature level. For people living in apartments, the type of energy carrier is important. For this reason, you need to pay special attention to the design and quality of the device that will be installed in your home. It is also necessary to take into account the Ph level of the liquid with which the battery built into the floor can work, its characteristics, and temperature conditions.
  • Size of pipes, their number (1 or 2).

Selecting a built-in radiator

Choosing an in-floor electric radiator is easy. It is enough to determine the required size and power of the device, and also decide whether a built-in fan is needed.

How to choose an underfloor heating convector

When choosing a battery with a water heater, you should also take into account the dimensions of the device, the convection method and the following points:

  • water pressure in the centralized heating system, the level of which can be found out from the management company;
  • parameters of the heating element , which in each specific case must correspond to the temperature and composition of the water in the pipes of the heating system;
  • type of heating system , which can be either two-pipe or single-pipe, what you need to pay attention to;
  • connection diameters (not particularly critical, since you can use adapters);
  • humidity in the room , which imposes requirements on the materials used in the production of the radiator.

How to choose the right floor convector

Convector leakage

If your regular radiator is leaking, you will notice it immediately because you will see a puddle underneath it.

And if the underfloor convector leaks, you will discover it only after the entire laminate gets wet and the water rises above its level.

In this case, all neighbors below are guaranteed to be flooded.

When a regular radiator has leaking connections, what do you do? Take a regular adjustable wrench and calmly tighten them.

And when the convector leaks, all connections will be covered with very hot and very opaque water. And soaking this water with a rag is very inconvenient.

Radiators have very sharp edges and when you get water out of there, you are guaranteed to get cuts on your fingers.

Also, do not forget that only convectors with a fan heat properly. A fan is an electrical device that is powered by a voltage of 220V.

And in the case of a leaking convector, the effect will be quite obvious, as if the electrical wiring had been stuck in water.

Also, dirt and dust constantly accumulate in the niche of in-floor convectors, and cleaning there, as we found out, is not very convenient.

Types of floor-mounted batteries

A fan may be included in the design of an electric or water radiator. In this case, the heat transfer from the heating device increases significantly. For the fan to operate, the device must be connected to a power source. Vibration-proof supports are used to reduce noise. Such radiator models cope faster with heating the entire space of the room and prevent the formation of condensation on the windows.

To increase power, tangential fans are installed

On a note! Some models can work both as heating devices and for air cooling. Some of them are even capable of providing the room with fresh air, which is especially in demand in buildings equipped with double-glazed windows. Before entering the room, the air from the street is filtered and heated.

If you need to install built-in radiators in a room of non-standard geometry, you can make them to order. Such devices may, for example, have a curvature of a given radius. To make cleaning inside the batteries easier, they can be equipped with heaters that can be rotated or removed altogether.

Designer radiator

For rooms with high humidity, special models of built-in radiators are manufactured. Their parts are made of stainless materials, and electrical equipment has an increased degree of protection. Condensate is discharged through a drainage drain.

Electronic regulators in a number of models of built-in batteries are used to control temperature conditions. For convenience, the kit may include a remote control. Using such devices, the indoor climate can be controlled programmatically, setting the mode for several days in advance.

In-floor convector in the gym

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