Help, advice, articles and instructions for maintenance, installation and use of plastic windows.

PVC windows (metal-plastic) are gaining popularity due to their thermal insulation properties at a relatively low price.
Since they are made from a man-made polymer, these profiles are resistant to most weather conditions and pests.

Let's look at the types of PVC windows, their features and external differences, the requirements for such profiles, and how they are produced.

What it is?

A PVC window is a plastic profile with voids inside , the body of which is reinforced with a metal frame. To assemble all parts, steel reinforcement is welded together at the corners of the window at a temperature of 250 °C.

The decoding of the name PVC window means that the blocks are made of polyvinyl chloride.

A feature of PVC windows is durability. Since polyvinyl chloride is made from refined petroleum products, it, like other polymers, has a long service life.

This profile withstands moisture and sunlight well. Due to the fact that plastic does not conduct heat well, cold bridges do not form on plastic windows. Also, polyvinyl chloride is highly resistant to microorganisms (fungi, bacteria) and insects.

Due to the addition of special modifiers, the polymer on plastic windows is more rigid and durable than usual, which makes it possible to make windows resistant to mechanical damage. This material is more durable than wood and can withstand temperature conditions from -60 to +60 °C.

Since PVC windows are made from a polymer profile with voids, they have good sound insulation . Despite the fact that most of the structure is made of artificial material, metal-plastic windows are not toxic in themselves and are environmentally friendly. Caustic fumes may be generated when the material melts (for example, in a fire).

The difference between plastic windows and wooden ones is that the latter are heavier and more expensive, but have a more attractive appearance, and from aluminum ones - in thermal conductivity and strength. A metal profile is more durable and resistant to mechanical damage, but has higher thermal conductivity than plastic.

Where can PVC structures be placed?

Depending on the selected double-glazed window and fittings, metal-plastic windows can be installed in any room .
Most often they are installed in external walls to protect the room from the cold, while allowing natural light. PVC windows are also used to equip balconies and partitions between the room and the loggia.

For interior door or window structures, metal-plastic windows are used less frequently, since they do not have high fire resistance, which is why their installation can be dangerous. For residential premises, a profile with a 2- or 3-chamber double-glazed window is required, because a single one does not retain heat well, which is why it is more suitable for outbuildings.

Double glazing for the highest quality window

The importance of double-glazed windows for a high-quality window cannot be overestimated. It occupies about 75%-80% of the window area. It bears the main burden of heat conservation and protection from overheating. A low-quality double-glazed window consists only of ordinary glass, the sealant at the ends is applied with gaps and voids, an insufficient amount of desiccant is poured inside the spacer frames or it is not working.

Problems due to low-quality or incorrectly selected double-glazed windows:

  • It’s hot in summer, cold in winter – we saved on energy-saving glass (I-glass and multifunctional glass)
  • Windows are crying - one of the problems, cold spacer frame and ordinary float glass without energy-saving coating
  • Fogging inside double-glazed windows is due to poor or unevenly applied sealant, which causes the seal of the structure to be compromised; low-quality desiccant that is unable to dry the space between the glasses
  • Burnout of interior items and decoration - multifunctional or solar control glass was not installed
  • Large energy bills - we installed regular float glass without coatings
  • “Green” view of the facade - coated glass was not installed

Photo: green double-glazed windows can ruin the appearance of a modern house and turn it into a “green crocodile”. © oknamedia

  • Passers-by or neighbors are constantly looking into the windows - mirror glass was not installed
  • Destruction of double-glazed windows (crack) - the thickness of the glass was chosen incorrectly, the glass was not strengthened by tempering
  • Double-glazed windows “howl” - incorrectly selected glass thickness
  • Reflection curves in mirrors are caused by incorrectly selected glass thickness.

Which double glazed unit should you choose for the highest quality window?

The glass corresponds to the room conditions:

  • Low-emissivity I-glass – for heat retention.
  • Multifunctional glass – for sun protection and heat retention.

Photo: multifunctional glass in a high-quality window. © AGC

  • Laminated triplex glass – for protection against penetration and high thermal insulation.
  • The sealant layer has no gaps or voids.
  • Distance frames are warm, plastic.
  • The desiccant is of high quality and is filled into at least half of the spacer frame.

Photo: desiccant is an invisible but important part of a quality window. © oknamedia

The use of special glass adds to the cost of the window*:

  • 1 I-glass adds 450 rubles to the cost of a window with a regular 2-chamber double-glazed window.
  • 1 multifunctional glass – 540 rubles.
  • 1 triplex – 900 rubles*.

* - prices are calculated for a 2-leaf window measuring 1450 x 1300 mm

Conclusion: choose a double-glazed window with 2 energy-saving glasses. Choose the type of glass and thickness depending on the needs that need to be addressed. For double-glazed windows larger than 1.5x1.5 m2, ask the window company to make a strength calculation to correctly select the glass thickness.

Irregularities in the installation of windows can lead to problems with wetting, freezing and blackening of slopes. How to install the highest quality window

GOST prescribes an installation method in which the seam between the window and the wall consists of three layers. However, both manufacturers and buyers often save on this - the seam is simply foamed, and the foam is not protected from the outside and inside. And the problems begin.

GOST 30971-2012 clause 5.1.3 : The construction of the assembly seam includes three or four layers that have different functional purposes.

If the window is not installed in accordance with GOST, it cannot be considered high quality - after a short time the slopes may turn black or blowing will begin.

Photo: high-quality windows are installed only according to GOST requirements, in this case with Robiband mounting tapes*, © oknamedia

But even installation with tapes cannot always be called high-quality if you save on quality materials.

The layer of foam insulation (the central part of the installation seam) must be reliably protected from ultraviolet radiation, precipitation from the street and water vapor penetrating into the seam from inside the room. Robiband mounting tapes do an excellent job of this . For example, 3-layer membrane-type tapes, which provide the ability to ventilate the seam and reliably protect it from leaks. This task is too tough for single-layer nameless analogues.

Photo: Robiband mounting tapes* – high-quality tapes for protecting the mounting seam for high-quality windows. © robitex

Without compliance with the listed installation requirements, even perfectly manufactured windows without a single scratch with perfectly functioning sashes cannot be considered high quality.

The price of materials for installation according to GOST is 240 rubles per window , the cost of installation work is 20% more than usual work. The cost of redoing the installation seam on one window is 15,000 rubles. What to choose?

Requirements based on GOST, SP, SNIP

Most regulatory requirements are outlined in:

  1. GOST R 56926-2016;
  2. GOST 23166-99;
  3. GOST 30674-99;
  4. GOST 30971 2016.

They contain references to various SPs and SNiPs, as well as some other GOSTs.

For example, in accordance with SP 52-54.13330, window units are designed to provide the room with a natural source of lighting and direct sunlight into the living space.

Double-glazed windows must be able to transmit the visible spectrum of solar radiation in the range from 770 to 380 nm, and ultraviolet rays from 200 to 380 nm. Such conditions must be maintained throughout the entire life of the window, taking into account its safe repair and maintenance.

In accordance with GOST 23166-99, which provides general technical conditions for window blocks and profiles, the permitted substances for manufacturing the frame, filling the space between double-glazed windows and standard shapes or sizes of the profile, as well as the entire window, are indicated.

Example: the maximum size of one window unit should not exceed 6 m2, and the area of ​​the moving part (sash) should not exceed 2.5 m2. The opening part can have a maximum weight of up to 80 kg. The deflection of the frame structure from the wind should not exceed 1/300 of the span length (but not more than 6 mm), and from the glass - 2 mm.

Double-glazed window quality

The area of ​​a double-glazed window occupies 90% of the window area, and its quality directly determines how well the window saves heat in the room, transmits light and protects from noise. A double-glazed window consists of several sheets of glass with a thickness of at least 4 mm (for an opening of up to 2.5 m2), which are separated by aluminum spacer frames; a multi-chamber double-glazed window will always better retain heat in the house.

Double-glazed windows may have additional, but in some situations simply irreplaceable functions:

  • Noise insulation . Soundproofing double-glazed windows are indispensable for windows facing busy city streets. Glass of different thicknesses is installed in such structures, for example, 4 mm and 6 mm - they do not resonate and, thus, dampen sound.

Sergey Elnikov

The distance between the glasses in a double-glazed window does not affect thermal insulation in any way; this parameter affects sound insulation. An option to obtain the best noise reduction effect: use glass of different thicknesses. If there are two glasses 4 mm thick in a double-glazed window, and glass 5 mm thick between them, this will greatly increase the noise-proof properties of the double-glazed window. If we add to this the asymmetrical formula and make the distance between the glasses in the package different, this will enhance the sound insulation even better. But the distance between the sheets of glass in the chamber does not have any effect on thermophysics.

  • Safety. For high safety, shockproof film is applied to the glass or triplex glass is installed in double-glazed windows, which will not break even if hit by a brick. Triplex is a multilayer structure, a “sandwich”, where glass, a special film and another glass are sintered under high pressure.
  • Energy saving . A thin, invisible coating of silver (or other metals) is applied to the inside of one of the glasses, which reflects up to 90% of heat rays, returning them to the room in the winter, and outside in the summer, in the heat, which gives excellent savings on air conditioning , and heating. The chambers are filled with argon, which reduces the thermal conductivity of the glass unit. Another advantage of such double-glazed windows is that they are lightweight, and the fittings on such windows last much longer.

Sergey Elnikov

If I have a window in a city apartment building that faces a noisy street, is normally heated, and I don’t even have the ability to regulate the heating, then I don’t need to bother with thermal physics: it’s enough for me that the window is sealed so that there is no blowing and discomfort. And if I have a private house, which I heat with my own hard-earned money, then, of course, it is important for me not to pay extra for heating. I am interested in the window having maximum thermal insulation properties. Tools are made to suit the task - it is with the help of a double-glazed window that you can choose a window that is an alternative to a small climate system.

Modern double-glazed windows are very functional and provide protection from cold in winter and from overheating in the warm season. They cut off a certain part of the spectrum, and when the sun shines through the window from morning to evening, the room heats up much less than when using conventional glass.

Sergey Elnikov

I can give figures from Germany: German experts compared the heating costs of a house with an area of ​​150 square meters, which was equipped with ordinary wooden windows, with the costs in the same house after replacing the windows with plastic windows with ordinary double-glazed windows, which are not energy-saving. Simply replacing one material with another in the German climate zone gives savings of 10-12% for one household. If you install packages with low-emission glass, the savings will already reach about 15%, and in general, the savings in heat consumption due to the quality of the windows and their glass-transparent filling can reach 20%.

We, first of all, consider a window with an appropriate coating to be an energy-saving window. The presence of gas or its absence does not transform a window from energy-saving to non-energy-saving; gas increases thermal insulation characteristics, but the use of appropriate glass is fundamental. If gas is pumped into ordinary glass, the window will not become energy efficient.

At the same time, the expert does not agree with the statement widespread on FORUMHOUSE that filling a double-glazed window with gas has only to do with marketing and nothing to do with the thermal insulation properties of the window.

Sergey Elnikov

Gas makes the structure warmer, but when it evaporates over the years, the window will not cease to be energy efficient. But yes, it will become a little less warm. But this difference will not be significant.

Quality of fittings and components: a good window cannot have bad fittings. It must withstand heavy, up to 130 kg, open shutters, operate in any weather flawlessly and silently, press the shutters tightly to the frames and cut off street sounds and street dust.

Cheap turning mechanisms, fasteners, handles, and seals always greatly reduce the quality of the window. Experts say that even the best profile cannot save poor fittings; the window will still be of poor quality.

Fittings from reliable manufacturers usually have a 10-year warranty, they are reliable, and the parts are treated with an anti-corrosion coating. Additionally, different degrees of burglary protection and other functions may be provided.

Sergey Elnikov

The higher quality - and therefore more expensive - the fittings, the more possibilities it has, and the lower the risks that it will fail ahead of time. Expensive fittings have much more possibilities. Cheap hardware systems do not have such capabilities as the ability to produce parallel sliding doors or windows with limited opening of the sash. Cheap fittings simply stop working normally, the handle starts to spin, the sash may sag, the scissors may jam, the smooth movement of the sash may be disrupted, and so on.

How many years of warranty?

The warranty for windows made of polyvinyl chloride profiles is established in accordance with GOST 23166 and standards for specific types of products. Most often, the warranty period is based on the intensity of use, conditions of use (for example, weather), and also on the basis of customer service provided by the manufacturer or seller.

The warranty period for windows and balconies (profiles, fittings, assembly units) is at least 3 years, taking into account compliance with all regulatory documents , as well as intended use. For special blocks (stairwells, technical floors), the warranty period must be at least 2 years. The service life of a double-glazed window must be at least 5 years from the date of installation.

But Federal Law of the Russian Federation N 2300-1 “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” in Article 19 states that the buyer can return the goods within 2 years from the date of purchase if relevant manufacturing defects are identified. Given the service life of up to 40 years, such measures are based on the fact that an error was made in the production of the window or fittings (a part was defective), as a result of which it does not perform its functions.

How to determine the highest quality window?

There is a statutory warranty period during which the manufacturer eliminates defects free of charge - at least 3 years for windows, and 5 years for double-glazed windows. After this, the buyer carries out all repair work at his own expense.

Test reports from window profile manufacturers show how long their window will last if manufactured correctly.

According to testing data from European manufacturers, the service life should be for:

  • Plastic windows – minimum 20 years / 3 years warranty;
  • Fittings – at least 20,000 openings/closings of the sash/ 10 years;
  • Double-glazed windows - at least 20 years / 5 years warranty;
  • Installation materials – 20 years / 5 years warranty.

Today, the product portfolios of manufacturers of profiles, fittings and other materials include brands of various quality - from economy to premium classes. This gives buyers with different budgets and needs a choice.

Conclusion: It is easy to distinguish a premium product from an economy one - premium quality is always the most expensive.

The highest quality window price differs from the economy option by at least 40% -50% without installation. But these costs will pay off during operation within 3-5 years with increased comfort, lower bills for heating and air conditioning, savings on protective devices against intrusion into the premises and prying eyes of neighbors.

What does a window block look like?

For the most part, a plastic window looks the same as wood or aluminum. It has a frame, glass unit and fittings. Most often the profile is made white , but depending on preferences at the time of production, the outer part can be covered with a special laminating film.

The shape of the profile is more similar to its aluminum counterpart, since in the section you can see the presence of empty air chambers (sometimes filled with insulation), as well as connection elements or grooves for the glass unit, sealant and glazing bead.

Unlike aluminum profiles, you can see metal inserts inside the profile that serve as a frame to increase the rigidity of the structure. The voids in the steel frame can also be filled with insulation in order to avoid the formation of cold bridges or shifts in the dew point.

The photo shows a sample of a plastic window:

Window profile in section:

Frame characteristics

The characteristics of plastic windows depend on their size and profile thickness, as well as the materials used for insulation or sound insulation. The frame width can be from 58 to 84 mm , but in some cases these parameters may differ.

So, for example, for a window with a profile width of 70 mm, the thermal transfer resistance coefficient can average from 72 to 78, the maximum width of a double-glazed window is 32-40 mm, and the number of chambers inside the profile is 4-6 (most often 5).

The thickness of PVC walls in a metal-plastic window is from 2.5 mm, and noise insulation without additional materials is up to 42 dB. These windows can withstand temperatures from -60 to +60 °C. Removing the fitting groove, which affects the degree of burglary protection, also differs from the width and shape of the profile. Most often in standard windows this distance for a frame with a thickness of 70 mm is 13 mm.

For metal-plastic windows, another important parameter is the installation of steel reinforcement. Usually it has a U-shape. This part can be regular or closed. The thickness of the metal in the reinforcement is 1.5 mm.

Signs of a quality PVC window

A good, high-quality window keeps the house warm in winter and cool in summer, its sashes always open and close easily, and the fittings work flawlessly. Such a window allows maximum light into the house, but protects it from noise, drafts, gusts of wind and from burglars; and even after twenty years of use it looks like new.

A high-quality window is a window that has high dimensional stability. It itself and all its elements will work properly for many years.

A high-quality window may end up costing a little more than a low-quality one, but this difference is justified: savings on heating and service over the years will pay for the costs of energy-saving double-glazed windows, cool fittings, and a high-quality profile with a brand name and history.

In general, when assessing the quality of a window, we must remember that:

  • installation width of the profile is one of the main parameters that affects the thermal physics of the structure;
  • the wider the double-glazed window, the greater the noise-proofing properties it can be endowed with;
  • the choice of profile quality class for a window largely depends on what impacts and operational loads the window will experience; in standard standard designs, you can completely get by with a class B profile;
  • cheap fittings will not withstand a large number of opening/closing cycles, and a number of functions are not available to them;
  • the window must be reliable, it must be made by a trustworthy manufacturer.

Sergey Elnikov

Of course, the window must be selected, first of all, according to the manufacturer. A good manufacturer can make a very good window. It will not mess with low quality components. But the size of the window company does not matter at all. Mega-large companies can make low-quality products, and I know a lot of small companies that make everything from scratch. The risks that the company will collapse and leave the market are the same. It is not the largest or smallest companies that remain in the market, but the most adaptable companies.

What does a plastic window consist of?

The plastic window consists of :

  • reinforcing inserts inside the profile;
  • plastic frame;
  • seal;
  • plastic beads;
  • glass;
  • drain;
  • window sill;
  • insect nets (not always included);
  • desiccant;
  • sealant;
  • dividing frame for double glazed windows;
  • air or special gas, which fills the voids between the glasses;
  • a locking mechanism with pins, locks and a knob for turning the latch position;
  • loops

The window itself consists of:

  1. frames;
  2. double glazed windows;
  3. accessories.

It can have different forms of a turning and locking mechanism, and can also be with or without a sash. In some windows, the glass and sash can occupy the entire area of ​​the window opening, which is why there is no pronounced impost in this design, and the locking mechanism (if there is one) is built into the part of the frame that is adjacent to the wall/

Read more about the elements here.

Description of the production process

The production process of PVC windows can be divided into several points :

  1. Cutting reinforcing material for the profile at an angle of 90°. For this, special circular saws are used, and then the burrs are removed using an emery wheel.
  2. Using single- or double-head miter saws, the PVC profile is cut: imposts at an angle of 90 °, and the side parts of the sashes and frames - 45 °.
  3. After cutting, drainage voids are ground out in the lower parts of the window profile. This is done using a milling machine with a tip diameter of up to 5 mm.
  4. The PVC profile is reinforced with metal reinforcement. To do this, steel parts are cut to the required length and inserted into the grooves inside the plastic using a special machine.
  5. Next, holes and grooves for the fittings are made on a copy-milling machine.
  6. After this, the ends of the mullions are milled using shaped cutters so that they can be assembled together with fittings.
  7. On a special welding machine, the temperature of the connecting knife is 250 ° C, the profile parts are fastened together.
  8. Using a screwdriver or electric drill, an impost and a stand profile (a strip for attaching an external and internal window sill) are attached to the frame.
  9. Next, a seal is installed (P-shaped is most often used). It is installed in special grooves, starting from the middle of the upper profile and frame. The ends of the seal are connected with cyano-acrylate glue (“Seconda”).
  10. All fittings (hinges, locking mechanism and corner switches) are mounted.
  11. After this, a glazing bead is cut, inside which the sealant is installed.
  12. A double-glazed window is installed with a separator inside, which is fixed with glazing beads. They are carefully installed in place using a rubber mallet.
  13. The fittings are pre-adjusted on the stand. To do this, all the parts are installed in their place, tightened using hex keys, after which the window is disassembled into its components (frame and sashes).

Additional information about the production of plastic windows is here.

Accessories for the highest quality windows

Fittings are not a handle, as is usually thought. This is a metal strap that is located on the frame and sash and when you turn the handle, it activates the window sash. Without fittings, the window will not open and is called “blind”.

Problems due to the choice of low-quality or incorrect fittings:

  • Blowing is a loose fit of the sash to the frame due to the mismatch of the mating parts.

Photo: a window in a new building is leaking and needs to be replaced with a quality one. © oknamedia

  • Rapid breakdown and the need for replacement - thin metal, unreliable connection of fittings;
  • Sagging, jamming of the sash - the hinges do not support the weight of the sash;
  • It is difficult to turn the handle - the strikers are installed incorrectly or they do not correspond to the profile, the fittings are tight;
  • Penetration into a house or apartment through windows - anti-burglary fittings were not installed;
  • It is inconvenient to ventilate in winter - there is no micro-slit ventilation, no tilt-and-turn opening, a blind window;
  • It is dangerous to wash windows - there are many blind parts;
  • A child near an unprotected window or near a mosquito net is at risk.

Which hardware to choose for the highest quality window?

  • Well-known brands or well-established ones;
  • With a comfortable turn of the handle, a quiet and easy movement of the mechanism;
  • With a wide range of adjustments;
  • For all sashes, it is better to choose a tilt-and-turn opening method; it is convenient and safe to ventilate. For winter ventilation, add micro-slot ventilation;
  • For the 1st and last floors it is worth choosing anti-burglary fittings;
  • For rooms where there are children, you should choose child locks, handles with a key, or the most advanced child safety system - tilt-and-turn fittings.
Conclusion: the increase in the price of a finished window when installing high-quality fittings will be 1-2%. It's up to you to save 150 rubles.


Plastic windows differ from each other due to a large number of factors.

For example, according to the form:

  • rectangular;

  • triangular;
  • polygonal (most often 6 or 8 sides);
  • arched;
  • round;
  • trapezoidal;
  • oval;
  • semicircular.

According to the shape of the swing mechanism:

  1. blind (without doors);
  2. rotary;
  3. folding;
  4. tilt and turn;
  5. transom;
  6. guillotine;
  7. rotating along the axis;
  8. swing;
  9. accordion (folding);
  10. sliding

Also, windows may differ in the number of sashes (from 1 to 3). In some designs the following may be installed :

  1. windows;
  2. shtulpa;
  3. sprouts;
  4. additional fittings that increase burglary protection.

Also, differences in windows can be based on the type of double-glazed window (number of chambers, glass thickness, impact resistance) or its transparency (tinting, insulating film, stained glass).

More about the types of PVC windows here.

How to choose?

When choosing a plastic window, you should consider many factors that will affect thermal efficiency, sound insulation or the appearance of the structure:

  1. The degree of protection against burglary, as well as its durability, depends on the choice of fittings. Parts made from cheap materials can quickly break or become deformed.

  2. You should carefully calculate the size of the window and its weight, since excessive weight can damage the supporting base, and a large glass area leads to an increase in windage.
  3. A double-glazed window can consist of sandwich glass, which is sandwiched and covered with a special impact-resistant film. It can withstand large mechanical damage, and can also improve heat or sound insulation.
  4. The number of cameras inside it depends on the width of the profile. The more there are, the lower the thermal conductivity and the better the sound insulation.
  5. When purchasing a window, you should immediately check it for mechanical damage, distortions, unevenness or other defects. All fittings must move smoothly without hesitation or sudden jumps. You should also check the tightness of the valves.

More information about choosing windows can be found here.

Air chamber width: myth or reality?

More recently, it was believed that the wider the plane of the chamber, the greater the heat capacity it has. But the theory of air convection (circulation) destroyed this belief. Regardless of the width of the plane, warm air (from the inner glass) inside the chamber will rise up, and cold air (from the outside) will fall down and be replaced. Therefore, manufacturers took the path not of increasing the area of ​​the chamber, but of reducing the gaps between the glasses.

Assembly and disassembly

When disassembling a plastic window you need :

  • lower the rotary mechanism handle completely down (to the closed position);
  • use a screwdriver to pry off the plastic casing on the lower and upper hinges;
  • Use a flat screwdriver to remove the pin on the top hinge;
  • Unscrew the lock on the bottom hinge with a hexagon;
  • lift the handle up halfway (open position, not ventilation) and pull the sash towards you.

To install the sash back, you need to do all the steps in reverse order.

In order to remove the glass unit you need:

  • remove all unnecessary parts from the window sill and remove the sash;
  • insert the knife into the gap between the profile and the bead, with the sharp end and gently knocking on the handle, drive the nose to a depth of 10-15 mm;
  • carefully turn the knife towards the glazing;
  • during rotation, the gap will begin to widen, so the previous action must be repeated along the entire length of the bead until it is completely disconnected;
  • you need to press on the glass on one side so that it begins to come out of the grooves. It is recommended to do this in pairs: one holds the frame and presses, and the second accepts the double-glazed window.

Reinstalling the glass occurs in the reverse order. It is recommended to replace the seal on the beads, then install the top one first, then the side ones, and the bottom one last.

About disassembling windows in detail here.

Installation process

To install PVC windows you need :

  • dismantle the old window;

  • check the window opening for damage;
  • remove all protruding pieces of concrete;
  • clean the surface of debris;
  • level the opening using concrete mixture.

two ways to install a window :

  1. Disassemble it (remove the doors) and drill holes in the frame. Using anchors, secure the entire structure to the wall. This type of fastening is more reliable, but takes more time.
  2. The window is installed without disassembly using metal plates, which are attached from the outside to the frame and then to the wall. This method is faster, but will not withstand high wind loads.

After installing the frame, the cracks are filled with foam and covered with sandwich panels. Also, during installation, the sashes must be removed to make installation more convenient. After the window is completely installed, the sill, flashing and waterproofing should be attached.

Read more about installation here.

How to connect?

To connect two plastic windows together you need:

  • 2 people, since one person will spend 3-4 times more time and can also damage the window;
  • assemble the connector and attach it to the frame, which has a smaller height;
  • drill a hole in the metal profile for fastening into which you need to insert a screw;
  • insert the frame with the connector into the window opening;
  • install the second frame and secure both together using clamps;
  • drill through both frames and the connector to secure them with a screw.

More information here.

Is it possible to drill?

In some cases, drilling of the profile may be required to route the cable. The standard diameter of coaxial wire is 6 mm. Such a hole will not damage the structure if everything is done carefully. When drilling, it is recommended to use a sharp metal drill and a mode without perforation , so as not to damage the glass or frame, and also to make a hole in the PVC window reinforcement without difficulty.

If the cable is no longer needed, but the hole remains, it can be sealed using plastic plugs or tape. In some cases, the void between the rivets can be filled with rigid polystyrene foam to avoid the formation of a cold bridge.

More information about drilling in the article at the link.

Which plastic window manufacturer is better?

Competition and strict control in the window market have driven out outright marriage. But experts unanimously lean towards large manufacturers. They have equipment that smaller companies don't have, so their products are of higher quality. Experts have learned to cope with unwanted linear expansion of PVC, low elasticity coefficient, and improve resistance to temperature changes. Additives and stabilizers for these purposes are strictly controlled and do not cause harm to health.

Which company should you choose?

A list of the best window profile manufacturers, compiled based on ratings and reviews.


Leads in number of sales, in the top three in all ratings. The technical base allowed the company to finally stop producing low-grade products; only class A profiles are produced. Window models are diverse, durable, known for their reliable noise and heat insulation, tightness, and are equipped with a rubber seal that is not afraid of frost. Disadvantage - they are a bit expensive.


The company uses environmentally friendly plastic, the windows are durable, have good noise and heat insulation, cope with temperature changes in the range from -50 to +50 °C, and do not fog up. Disadvantages: high price, over time the plastic develops a yellowish tint.


The products are distinguished by their environmental friendliness, wide range, durability, sound and heat insulation that meets the requirements of the time, and frost resistance. Disadvantages: reduced height of the sashes, higher cost than other brands.

We recommend paying attention to Rehau windows made from the BLITZ New profile with an installation depth of 60 mm. This is an energy-saving, affordable and high-quality solution. Three-chamber profile, with the ability to install double-glazed windows up to 32 mm. Retains 30 times more heat than wooden Soviet frames. Noise reduction up to 40 Rw dB and excellent appearance.


High-strength sealed profiles for all climatic conditions made of perfectly white plastic. All load-bearing walls are made according to RAL class A, the declared service life is up to 45 years. The company's factories are located in Germany, Poland and Belarus.


The windows are made using Austrian technology, adapted to the Russian climate, and designed for long-term use. They are inexpensive, the plastic is durable and does not turn yellow. Disadvantages: there is no international certification, the design solutions of some models are below the level of recognized brands.

USEFUL INFORMATION: Panoramic window: in an apartment and a private house, pros and cons


Windows of different types, attractive, inexpensive. Durable, adapted to Russian weather. Disadvantages: there is no quality management certificate, the fittings are rather weak, the seal emits a chemical smell.

LG Chem

A combination of decent heat and sound insulation characteristics and professional design. Glossy plastic, reasonable quality/price ratio. A relative disadvantage is the recent entry into the market in the central part of the country, which affects its popularity.


Windows have a deformation-resistant design, designer finds and a large selection of reliable and sealed models that attract buyers. Disadvantages: heavy profile; built-in blinds break after several years of use.

Russian windows

Russian plastic windows are cheaper than foreign ones. But this does not mean low quality. Typically, domestic manufacturers use German technologies. The cost is more affordable due to cheap energy resources and labor. You also need to remember this when choosing.

For example, the Russian company Kaleva works according to a full cycle scheme: from the moment of window design to installation. This is not a common occurrence. It has been operating in the plastic window market from St. Petersburg for more than 20 years. Its PVC profiles are distinguished by their quality, the right balance of rigidity, reliable insulation, and aesthetic appearance.

Which profile for plastic windows did you choose?

Painting process

For painting plastic windows it is recommended to use :

  1. acrylic lacquer;
  2. auto enamel;
  3. nitro paint.

PVC windows are usually white, so sometimes it becomes necessary to paint them.

This procedure can also be used to update the appearance of the frame. It is recommended to use paint that is resistant to external weather conditions and does not emit harmful substances.

More information about painting here.

Are PVC profiles safe for human health?

High-quality windows must be safe for health and the environment. In the production of PVC profiles, lead may be used in some formulations, and, at first glance, wooden windows that “breathe” and are made from natural material look better. But wooden frames are glued together with glue and coated with chemical paints, and PVC does not interact with air; Lead from this material never releases or evaporates. This has been confirmed by numerous studies, and PVC windows have long been installed in school buildings and children's hospitals. Therefore, environmentally hazardous or problematic plastic windows and doors simply do not exist.

Sergey Elnikov

From an environmental point of view, absolutely all PVC windows are safe.


To insulate a plastic window, you can use a special glass film that reduces heat loss. Also, to remove cold bridges on the walls around the profile, you can insulate the outer part of the walls, slopes and window sills.

This is done using polystyrene foam, special glue, fiberglass mounting mesh, and plaster. In some cases, slopes can be insulated using mineral or basalt wool, as well as fiberglass.

All information about insulation is here.

Prevention and care

Prevention and care of metal-plastic windows consists of constantly cleaning moving parts and connecting parts from debris and dust. This can be done with a soft brush or vacuum cleaner. It is also necessary to lubricate the hinges and locking mechanism 1-2 times a year. Silicone oil is most often used for this.

When the sashes sag, they need to be tightened. To change the horizontal position using a hex wrench of the required size, you need to turn a special screw on the top hinge: clockwise - the sash will be drawn to the frame, counterclockwise - it will move away. To change the vertical position, you need to use the corresponding screw on the bottom hinge.

To prepare the window for winter, it is recommended to increase the tightness of the sash. This is necessary to reduce the air passing through it. To do this, you can use one of three methods :

  • using eccentrics that are located around the entire perimeter of the frame;
  • using plates on the doors;
  • adjusting the clamping mechanism.

Read this article to learn more about structural maintenance.

User manual

To prevent windows from fogging up, you need to:

  • Regulate room humidity. To do this, you can ventilate it in a special window mode 3-4 times a day for 10-15 minutes or install a special device to regulate humidity.

  • Check the performance of ventilation systems.
  • Place heating appliances under the window.

The window sill should not be large so that warm air can easily reach the window. All these measures are necessary in order to avoid the formation of an ice crust on the outside, as well as the appearance of fungi or mold.

Also, to ensure the performance of PVC windows for a long time, you should adhere to the following rules :

  • in strong winds, do not leave the doors open;
  • do not insert anything into the space between the frame and the sash;
  • do not load the sashes with additional weight;
  • carefully close the window so that it does not hit during connection;
  • regularly clean the fittings and insulation from debris or dirt;
  • do not place anything hot on the windowsill;
  • do not wash windows with abrasive products;
  • do not leave the sash open for a long time, so that the fittings do not begin to sag;
  • Do not carry out work near the window on the windowsill using equipment that can damage glass or plastic (for example, welding or hammering something in).

Which plastic profile is suitable for the highest quality windows

In order to understand which profile is of the highest quality, let’s consider the problems that may arise due to poor-quality profiles in windows:

  • White or gray

The desire of profile manufacturers to curb price increases over the past 10 years has led to savings on many important components and has had a negative impact on quality. Snow-white plastic window profiles have been replaced by gray-white ones, which you want to cover with colored or beautiful white film.

Photo: Low-quality white plastic absorbs dirt like a sponge and has a grayish tint. © oknamedia

Titanium dioxide , which is responsible for the whiteness of profile systems, is becoming a luxury in the race to contain prices, so manufacturers are using it less and less in mixture formulations.

Photo: high-quality laminated plastic windows. © oknamedia

Solution: if you want to get a really fashionable white surface, you can cover the window profile with a lamination film in glossy white or textured white oak.

  • Indelible stains

Poor-quality profile systems sometimes do not manifest themselves immediately. It's like a time bomb. Initially white windows may eventually become covered with indelible yellow or brown spots due to an insufficient amount of stabilizers in the profile, which begins the process of photo and thermal destruction - the destruction of the profile under the influence of the sun and temperature changes.

Photo: a window with such stains cannot be called high-quality. The window is 5 years old. © oknamedia

Solution: to avoid the appearance of permanent stains, you can cover the surface of the profile with lamination film. Thus, making the window beautiful and protecting it from destruction.

  • Cracks and loss of strength

The plasticity of a plastic profile today is no longer the same as it was 20 years ago. Today's profile often cannot be dropped or hit with impunity in the cold - it will crack. The desire to reduce production costs, due to a significant increase in the cost of raw materials and additives, led to the replacement of up to 40% of expensive PVC in the mixture recipe with hydrophobic chalk. This affected the resistance of the plastic profile to sudden temperature changes. The profile has become brittle and non-plastic, which can lead to cracks in frames and sashes. At risk are “narrow” profile systems of 58-60 mm of economy class, which are available from all manufacturers on the window market.

Photo: The profile of a high-quality window will not crack, as in this case. © oknamedia

If a plastic window is cracked in the frame or sash, it cannot be repaired. If this happened during the 3-year warranty period, it will be replaced free of charge, then you will have to change it at your own expense.

Solution: the wider the system (70 mm standard and from 75 mm premium), the greater the chance that it will be stronger and last longer.

Conclusion: when choosing systems with a width of 75 mm and wider with 5-7 or more cameras, you can be sure that you are choosing a premium product for your windows.

The cost of a 2-leaf window with an economy profile, standard and premium class, size 1450 x 1300 mm (w x h), without installation, January 2022

© oknamedia

Profile Window cost, rub., January 2022 Heat transfer resistance, Ro Where to put
Economy 60mm /3 chambers, 2-chamber double-glazed window with I-glass9 0410,67Unheated premises, summer cottages, balconies
Standard 70mm / 5 chambers, 2-chamber double-glazed window with I-glass10 410 (+15% to economy)0,71 (+6% to economy)Apartments, country houses
Premium 76-85mm / 6 chambers, 2-chamber double-glazed window with I-glass12 562 (+39% to economy)0,75 (+12% to economy)Country houses, panoramic glazing
Conclusion: the difference in the price of a plastic window of economy class and standard is about 15%, and economy and premium class is from 40% without installation from 3,500 rubles for a standard window. The price in this case is a reflection of the quality, reliability and durability of the profile.

Problems and repairs

The main problems of PVC windows are:

  1. Condensation that appears due to improper air exchange or high humidity.
  2. Mold and mildew. Most often, the cause is condensation, as well as improper finishing of the slopes.
  3. A seal failure that occurs when the seal is damaged, clogged, or when the position of the valves changes.
  4. Damage to the fittings can occur due to improper handling of the window or debris getting into the mechanism itself.
  5. The appearance of ice and heat loss is most often a consequence of improper window installation.

It is recommended to trust the repair of fittings to professionals, since without experience you can damage the frame, locking mechanisms or hinges. In some cases, minor repairs can be done independently :

  • tighten the doors using a hex wrench;
  • replace the seal.

Reinstalling double glazing can be a challenge as it requires skill, but if necessary you can use the assembly/disassembly advice described above.

Read more about troubleshooting here.

Dismantling rules

To dismantle a plastic window, most often you will have to remove the double-glazed window, since the anchor fastenings are located behind it. To do this, first remove the sashes, and only then take out the glazing beads and glass.

If the slopes were treated with plaster, then it can be knocked down using a chisel and hammer. To dismantle the window sills and ebbs, you need to unscrew the screws and pull them out of the grooves with a sharp jerk.

More information here.

Advantages and disadvantages

The positive qualities of plastic windows include:

  • high energy efficiency;

  • good value for money;
  • no need to spend a lot of time and money on window care;
  • strength;
  • good sound insulation;
  • ease of use;
  • environmental friendliness.

Disadvantages include:

  • Tightness. This point can be considered a plus if a private country house or apartment has a good ventilation system. Plastic, unlike wood, does not breathe, so condensation and stale air can form in the room.
  • Difficulty in repair. If the frame breaks, you cannot replace a separate part.
  • Increased dust formation on the surface of the window.
  • When heated, the plastic expands and contracts, which can lead to problems with opening or deformation of the frame.
  • For greater insulation, you will have to use a profile, the voids in which are filled with special materials. Because of this, the frame thickness and cost increase.

Analysis of the pros and cons in the article at the link.

Why is it important to choose the highest quality windows?

The window is part of the facade, so installing low-quality window structures will lead to problems that need to be addressed urgently. Living with a window that does not close, opens with great difficulty, and the air flow is very uncomfortable.

Photo: the cracks in the old window were plugged with cotton wool to prevent air from blowing through until it was replaced with a new one of good quality. © oknamedia

Under the influence of advertising, many buyers think that it is enough to choose a branded profile (REHAU Windows, VEKA Windows or KBE Windows) and the quality of the window is guaranteed. But it is not so! A PVC profile is one of the 6 important components of a window, but not the entire window! The manufacturer offers other components for it to choose from.

TOP 6 important components of a quality window:

  • profile,
  • reinforcement,
  • seal,
  • accessories,
  • glass unit,
  • installation.

Important components of a high-quality plastic window

Photo: the components of a high-quality window - all must be of high quality. © oknamedia

If at least one of these components fails, the buyer risks receiving windows with a high-quality branded profile, but with economy-class fittings or double glazing. The reputation will be ruined. By analogy, “Mercedes with an engine from Zaporozhets.” The buyer will face the same problems that he tried to get rid of: blowing, jamming and sagging of the sash, ice and condensation.

The highest quality window is a set of high-quality and correctly selected components (window profile, fittings, double-glazed windows + installation according to GOST), which are manufactured with high quality and installed in the window opening.

Why is it important not only to choose high-quality, but also correctly selected components? Because they create the properties of the window, without which it will not be comfortable and durable. For example, how to buy a Mercedes without power steering. Can such a car be called quality? Not today.

What does the price depend on?

The main factors that determine the price of PVC windows are:

  1. frame size and shape;
  2. fittings (burglary-resistant or high-strength ones cost more);
  3. shape and width of the profile (number of chambers, as well as their filling);
  4. number of doors;
  5. window shape;
  6. the glass unit used (shockproof or with insulating film), as well as the number of cameras in it;
  7. presence of gas in double-glazed windows;
  8. window automation;
  9. window sills and ebbs;
  10. the presence of blinds;
  11. number of sealing circuits;
  12. decoration and availability of sprats.

More details about pricing here.

Useful additions

Manufacturers provide their products with additional functions that can be quite useful. This:

  • winter ventilation (when the sash does not open completely);
  • profiles with already built-in ventilation;
  • mosquito nets;
  • opening regulators (comb);
  • anti-glare coating of the external window.

It is better to find out about any accessories that are not included in the standard supply of PVC windows from window market experts. How do they behave during long-term use, what are the negative aspects, etc.

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