Why does a hissing sound occur when opening the fuel tank cap?

The stove always served faithfully, but suddenly it started smoking. This is especially often observed when opening the ash pit or when the owner adds a new batch of firewood.

What is the reason why the stove smokes when the door is opened and how to properly heat it so that the smoke does not enter the living room. The most common reasons and advice from experienced stove makers.

Where does the squeak come from?

The creaking sounds of car doors opening are a consequence of metal elements rubbing against each other. Door lock pins become clogged:

  • road dirt;
  • dust;
  • sand;
  • reagents;
  • moisture.

This gradually corrodes and dries out the factory lubricant. The lack of lubricant leads to corrosion on the mechanisms - the door begins to creak.

Old pins also cause unpleasant sounds. They can no longer cope with the assigned load, so the car doors sag, causing a grinding noise due to metal parts rubbing against each other. After installing the new mechanisms, the creaking is not heard.

A car door will squeak if its lock is not set correctly. Many drivers in this situation make the mistake of lubricating or filling the hinges with locks using whatever comes to hand. This “treatment” of mechanisms has a short-term effect - soon the creaking of the car door returns.

Presence of cracks

It's no secret that over the years the stove becomes covered with a network of cracks and cracks. Especially at the junction of clay and metal elements, for example, around a slab. Wells can also crack at the seams.

The cracks could remain in the place where a knockout brick is inserted for cleaning, or the vent and firebox doors have become loose over time.

Also, atmospheric phenomena sometimes destroy the outer part of the pipe on the roof.

It is possible and necessary to deal with cracks, because air is sucked in, its natural flow is disrupted, and at the slightest disturbance in draft for other reasons, smoke finds its way out, even with the door closed!

The cracks are sealed with clay mortar, similar to the one on which the stove is made. Deep cracks are widened using a knife or similar tool to allow the mortar to penetrate deeper between the bricks. Then the gap is moistened with water and sealed well. Small cracks can be whitened.

Limiter device

The limiter is quite simple. There is a rod, on one side it is rigidly attached to the body panel, on the other - to the door, inside of which it runs along a special opening. The opening is equipped with plastic bushings. The rod is equipped with one or more protrusions necessary for fixing the door in various positions. For example, so that it does not slam shut from strong winds.

It is not surprising that a rod made of metal quickly wears out plastic bushings. To avoid this, you should regularly apply a certain lubricant to moving parts. Its deficiency or absence results in creaking when opening the car.

Selecting the right loops

There are 7 types of loops:

  • rights;
  • left;
  • non-separable;
  • hidden;
  • on a support bearing;
  • spherical;
  • barque hinges

The last two varieties are universal. Non-separable ones are almost 2 times cheaper, but their use is limited. The canvas hung on them will be difficult to dismantle in the future. At the same time, non-separable hinges wear out quickly. Hidden loops are suitable for fabric that does not have special recesses. Most often they are used for metal doors.

The collapsible hinge includes 3 bearings which make them more durable. In addition to directionality, hinges differ in the number of holes for fastening: short ones have 4 holes, long ones have 5. For heavy structures, long collapsible hinges are most suitable.

To distinguish the hinges by direction, a person must imagine where the door leaf hung with their help will swing open: towards himself and to the left - the person holds the left hinges in his hands, towards himself and to the right - the right ones.

Door stop creaking and clicking

If you hear not only a creaking car door, you already know how to fix it, but also a clicking sound, pay attention to probably worn bushings. The rod moves freely in them, accompanying its actions with clicks. The only way to get rid of the problem is to remove the structure, then change the inserts.

You can do this yourself - today in every car store you can find repair kits for any brand of car. You remove the frame, lubricate the parts, put it back, and enjoy the silence of the car being opened.

Do not repair or lubricate the limiters with anything - this does not make any sense.

Other reasons

Smoke can enter the house if there is too much wood in the firebox and the entrance to the wells is blocked, and the fuel has not yet had time to ignite.
What to do here is decided according to the circumstances.

If the firewood is just starting to burn, you can carefully pull out several large logs (if they give off smoke, take them outside).

When the fuel is filled, a poker is used to try to stir up the pile and lay it down more compactly.

Many people ask the question: which brick stove to choose for a summer house when building it yourself? In our article you will find a lot of useful manufacturing options. Read about DIY waste oil stoves here.


So, the full list of reasons why the stove smokes is quite impressive. In each specific case, you need to consider: is this a rule or an exceptional case; what is the current weather and temperature in the house; how old is the stove and other factors.

Machine oil and nigrol

Nigrol is a fairly liquid product, so you can only fill the loops with it using a syringe. When it gets on the mechanism, the substance literally flows. Excessive application of nigrol can seriously contaminate the door, along with the thresholds and glass. Just lubricate moving parts without any extra effort.

Excess drops flowing down are difficult to remove even with a wet rag. Nigrol has water-repellent properties, so only a dry cloth can get rid of it. For greater effect, before work, clean the mechanisms of old grease and various blockages, then degrease the treated areas.


All these products are not suitable for door mechanisms, as they reduce friction. The squeak will disappear, but another problem will appear. When using silicone, lithol, grease or WD-40, the door will swing open or slam shut due to gusts of wind, as it will not be able to stay in the special grooves.

In addition, the listed lubricants “love” to stick a lot of debris on themselves - sand, dirt, dust. Subsequently, this debris behaves like an abrasive - it causes strong friction between parts, which leads to rapid wear of the plastic inserts.

Known to every driver, WD-40 is an excellent solvent. It has proven to work well as a lubricant, but can quickly corrode seals.

Where should interior doors installed in an apartment open?

The construction of buildings is always carried out according to design documentation. The same applies to where interior doors in an apartment should open. It is worth highlighting several factors that influence this. Design is always carried out with an eye to SNiP and fire safety rules. When installing doors, it is imperative to ensure safety in the event of an emergency and enable the unhindered evacuation of people and material assets.

Based on this, in places where there is an increased concentration of people, in the work premises of organizations, it is impossible to change the direction of opening doors without the approval of fire authorities. The installation should be carried out so that the canvas opens from the room into the corridor on the way to the main exit.

Apartment entrance doors must open to the entrance; installation is carried out strictly according to the project. If you want to change the direction of opening, the door should not interfere with the neighbors leaving their homes.

It happens that an incorrectly installed door can touch or catch a neighbor’s door, which is strictly prohibited. The door should allow you to easily enter and leave the apartment, and also be easy to use.

Now let's talk about where, in accordance with all the rules, doors in the apartment should open. The doors must be installed according to plan, but the owner of the apartment has the right to choose the opening direction. This is dictated by ease of use, the location of the opening in the wall, the dimensions of the room, and the placement of windows. In addition, the number of rooms facing one corridor, its size and other aspects are taken into account. So in each specific case, it is necessary to develop solutions that will take into account which direction the interior door should open.

Special lubricants

If earlier car service technicians used ordinary soap to lubricate door elements, now specialized products are made to “treat” creaking locks and hinges. Many of them contain Teflon.

Such coatings have the consistency of dry soap, and due to the absence of a greasy film, they resist the adhesion of sand, dirt, and dust. The only drawback of Teflon auto lubricants is their price. But the high cost is compensated by a long service life - about two years. Although soap protects mechanisms about the same - 1-2 years.

How to apply

The method of applying lubricant to hinges and door locks depends on the product chosen. If you have settled on nigrol, then you cannot do without a medical syringe. The needle is removed from the syringe, nigrol is drawn into it, and then carefully poured into special hinged caps. Do not overdo it - excess lubricant will flow down, staining the threshold.

Thick coatings are usually applied with brushes, and if you choose soap, then you can simply rub the rubbing mechanisms with its corner. At the same time, open/close the door so that the product penetrates deeper inside. You should not make a soap solution and then pour it into the hinges - such a lubricant will only help for a short time.

The easiest way to work is with sprays - they create an oily film on the parts, eliminating squeaking. It is necessary to spray the substance from the can at a distance directly onto the communicating elements, while closing/opening the door several times for better penetration of the spray.

Before processing, wipe the rod with a paper napkin or dry rag to remove old grease and various debris.


The tactics to combat jaw pain depend on the cause of its occurrence. So, cold compresses are applied to the site of bruises, dislocations are reduced, and if necessary (for example, in case of a comminuted fracture), surgical intervention is performed. For purulent-inflammatory processes, patients are prescribed antibiotic therapy; the abscess itself is opened, the contents are removed, and drainage is installed.

In case of myocardial infarction and other severe cardiovascular pathologies, the patient is hospitalized, thrombolytics, drugs that normalize blood pressure, analgesics, and blood thinning medications are prescribed. Painkillers and antidepressants can help relieve symptoms of carotidynia.

Timely treatment of caries, pulpitis, gingivitis and other dental diseases is the best prevention of pain in the jaw area

In case of dental problems, the doctor sanitizes the oral cavity, eliminates foci of inflammation, and treats “damaged” teeth. If neoplasms (benign or malignant) are detected, the patient undergoes surgery and is prescribed a course of radiation and chemotherapy.

As you can see, jaw pain is a polyetiological problem (occurs for various reasons), requiring qualified diagnosis and correct treatment. That is why, if the corresponding symptoms occur, it is recommended not to delay going to the doctor.

If they're rusty

Without regular maintenance, door devices, as well as thresholds and arches, quickly become covered with rust. How to eliminate car doors squeaking when opening? If corrosion has been embedded in the mechanisms for a long time and tightly, then a single application of lubricant will not be enough. You should not apply several layers of the product - it is better to first remove the rust and then start coating the mechanisms. The applied product will eliminate the unpleasant sound and remove rust residues, but will not be able to penetrate deep into the hinge and corrode the corrosion from the inside.

Which way should the door open? Out or in?

In this article I will try to answer the question of where the door should open - outside or inside the room. I recently saw a video on this topic by a good designer, and she answered that the door should open where it is more convenient. The answer is completely logical, but not precise and, I would say, unclear.

I suggest you watch the video

, with many examples. Or read below.

So, my opinion is that the correct answer to this question is very clear and unambiguous. I’ll say it now, but after that, don’t rush to write angry comments, but finish reading my defense of this dissertation.

And here is the correct answer:


Now I will explain everything to you in order and with examples, and then you can tell your opinion. I won’t forget the fans of GOSTs and SNIPs either.

Why did I even become interested in this issue? After all, in fact, it’s not that important. I just noticed that when I watch any bourgeois films, all the doors in them ALWAYS open inward and never outward! No matter how many movies and TV series you watch, you will never see a single door that opens outward! And then I thought - why?

In the photo: You can watch hundreds of foreign films and the door always opens inwards.

I went to YouTube. Now there are a lot of videos on YouTube where people film their houses and apartments. Search for “House tour” or “Apartment tour” and you will see a thousand videos where people show off their apartments and houses. And you will find that all the entrance doors open inward!

In the photo: In all foreign house tours on YouTube, the door opens inward


The first explanation is that it is VERY CONVENIENT. Let's start with the front door. If guests come to you, a pizza delivery, a postman, a neighbor, they ring the doorbell and you open it for them, then in order to open the door outward and then close it, you will have to leave at least one naked from the apartment or from the house. When you open it, you push the door towards the people standing in front of it, that is, they must move away so that you can open it. In order for you to be able to see those who are standing in front of the door, in order to talk to them, you will have to push the door forward, talk, and then stomp or reach behind it into the entrance or onto the street to close it. If the door is not opened wide, you will have to awkwardly stick your head out into the entrance, instead of standing calmly and levelly in your apartment in slippers, because there may be rain and snow outside the door, and the entrance may be dirty.

In the photo: Isn’t it much more convenient to communicate with someone who came to you?

Wait, don’t write anything yet, that’s not all. Let's quickly talk with lovers of SNIPs and GOSTs. The fact is that somewhere in the construction SNIPs it is written that doors should open during fire evacuation, for example. And that means you conclude that the doors should open outward. But this is also not true. I don’t want to say that SNIPs are written incorrectly; most likely you interpret and understand them incorrectly. Let me give you an example: there is an office building. A long corridor and many, many doors in this corridor lead to offices.

In the photo: An example of a hotel or apartment building corridor

So imagine, we make a door during the evacuation, that is, from the office to the corridor, and what we get in the event of a fire. An alarm signal, all the doors of all the offices open into the corridor along which people are running, of course, these doors hit the running people, and then they simply get in the way and narrow the corridor.

It is possible that doors such as the entrance door or doors located inside public corridors should open during the evacuation process, but certainly not the entrance doors to apartments. But since the article is about the design of your interior and apartment, the answer still remains unequivocal - ALL DOORS ARE INSIDE!

Stop! You can write the last word. But let's return to our reality. Why is everything different with us? Why does our country have its own path even in this matter? Almost 100 percent of our iron entrance doors are outward!

But okay, ordinary people who don’t pay much attention to this issue. But I noticed that in our country, even the best designers of houses and apartments make the front door open outward. How is it that among the bourgeoisie, after watching hundreds of videos and films with ordinary people’s houses, you won’t see doors facing outwards, but in our country, even the most expensive apartments with famous designers have their entrance doors facing outwards? What is the reason? Who knows?

There are examples with our famous designers in the video.

I will also add why I don’t show my house or my apartment as an example. Yes, because for me too, not all doors open correctly. I built my house 10 years ago and then I didn’t delve into this issue much.

But this has never happened before! Who is older, you remember! All the doors in our apartments, while they were wooden, opened inward! I lived for 40 years in a five-story brick house built in 1957. And all the doors were inward until they started installing iron doors. Even the smallest apartments in the Khrushchev-era buildings in the neighborhood also had inward doors. What happened? What changed?

You can often hear this answer - small houses and apartments, the door that opens into the hallway eats up space. But that's just an excuse! In fact, even if your door opens outward, you don’t put furniture in the hallway that blocks or fits into the line of the doorway? The door to the apartment is always closed, but if it were always open, it would interfere, for example, with getting into a closet or somewhere else, but this door is always closed and cannot interfere. You open it for a few seconds to exit or enter.

We talked about the front door. But as I already said, this rule (the door is always inward!) applies to EVERYONE

doors! And in any room, and in the bath, and in the toilet! YES YES! Stop! Don’t write anything yet, listen to the explanation further.

If we are talking about interior doors, then the opening occurs either into the corridor leading to this room or into the room itself. So you’ve already heard the correct answer, that’s right, INTO THE ROOM! The fact is that people don’t walk around the room, well, almost, that is, when you enter the room you sit at the table, on the sofa, on the chair, on the bed, or anywhere, but you don’t stand in front of the door, so when the person entering the room opens the door very unlikely to hit you with this door. Anyone can move along the corridor, and when the door to the corridor opens, it will most likely block the passage in the corridor, and you can also hit a passing person with this door.

The only doors that should open outward in your apartment are closet doors.

Well, here you say, this is understandable, there are clothes there, how can they open inward. Well, yes, of course, this is the main reason. But you will be surprised - there is another explanation. The fact is that no one comes out of the closet!

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