Height of the window sill from the floor, from the battery: standard, SNiP, GOST

The installation characteristics of the window relative to the floor and ceiling affect the level of natural light in the room.
They are installed at the design stage and must comply with the requirements of SNiP.

Only in this case will the window structure be able to fulfill its main functions - lighting and ventilation of the interior space of a house or apartment.

Proper installation inside a wall opening ensures energy efficiency and protects walls from condensation.

For residential high-rise buildings and private housing construction, the requirements for the level of the block location above the floor are different. This article is important about how to choose the right frame installation characteristics based on the type of house, the design and material of the window, and the type of wall material.

General requirements for this parameter

As such, there is no state standard regulating this distance. Some Soviet-era SNiPs, which designers sometimes refer to, establish the following requirements:

  • In one room, the height of windows above the floor should be the same. A very reasonable requirement - this will give the room definition and harmony, and designing the walls will not be complicated in any way.
  • The minimum distance that should be between the radiator and the window sill is 8 centimeters. Thus, it turns out that the average window height ranges from 70 to 90 centimeters, which completely suits the majority of owners under construction.

Are there standards for ceilings?

If in Soviet times there were GOSTs that regulated this issue, now there are no such rules, and every owner has the right to build a house with a ceiling height that suits him.

Are you thinking about how to install windows in a wooden house? Perhaps our article “Installing windows and doors with frames in a wooden house yourself” will help you. Read about finishing windows in a wooden house, arranging slopes and window sills at https://oknanagoda.com/okna/derevo/otdelka-okon-v-derevyannom-dome-otkosy.html.

For an overview of brands of plastic window sills, their main varieties, recommendations for selection, read our material on the website.

Distance from floor to window: standard height according to GOST, in private houses according to SNiP

A housing parameter that is important for the homeowner to know is the height of the window from the floor according to the GOST standard. This directly affects lighting and safety. The distance from the floor to the window in apartments is standard, but in private houses it can vary significantly. But even in your cottage you should focus on generally accepted standards.

Window sill in Stalinka

In houses of this type of construction, the structures differ in their width, which is 0.5-0.6 m. In this case, the gap from the floor to the window is 0.7-0.8 m, and for installation of the heating device there is a niche where the heating radiator is mounted .

Window sill in Khrushchev buildings

When building houses, we were guided by GOST, which clearly stated: the location was 0.92 m from the covering, and the window sill board was installed at a height of 0.86 m. At the same time, the dimensions of the battery varied by 70-75% of the length of the opening.

Installation height and dimensions

Height in modern apartment buildings

The architectural diversity of buildings is not regulated by exact standards. It depends on the construction project, ceiling level and area. The optimal parameters for not blocking sunlight and creating a normal microclimate in the room depend on the year of construction and the characteristics of the individual building.

According to building standards for determining the level:

  • 1990 – 2000 – 0.9 m;
  • 2000 – 2010 – 0.85 m;
  • since 2010 and in studio apartments - 0.8 m.

During the construction of some projects, panoramic glazing is often encountered, allowing installation 0.3-0.4 m from the floor. In this case, heating radiators are installed nearby or a “warm floor” system is used, which does not limit the level.

Height in private houses

There is no standard solution for construction. It all depends on the architectural features of each project.

But it is worth adhering to the recommended standard when constructing buildings, which has been verified by builders for years. In the living room, kitchen and non-residential rooms 0.9 m, children's room and office 0.75 m, attic and balcony 0.9 m, bathroom 1.3-1.8 m.

A comment

  • Registration: May 2008
  • Posts: 180

Answer: Rational size and shape of windows

My priorities are different - first, strength and heat conservation, then lighting, sound insulation and ease of use, and then appearance. Regarding the height of the windows, I am also inclined to use the entire possible height of the wall. Those. if the ceiling is 3 m, then subtracting 0.9 m for the height of the window sill and 0.4 for the thickness of the lintel above the window, we get the height of the window - 1.7 m. All that remains is to choose the right width and number of window openings.

Why is the height of the window from the floor so important?

The comfort and quality of life of the residents depends on how much the window is raised above the floor level. Accordingly, deviation from generally accepted standards can lead to discomfort and other troubles, which we will talk about later.

Primarily, the above distance affects the following aspects.

Illumination. The window should be installed not only taking into account the cardinal directions and the furniture installed in the room, but also in the correct height ratio. Suppose the project involves panoramic glazing with an opening raised above the floor by only 20-30 cm. But at the time of arranging the interior of the room, a decision is made to place a desk or sofa near the window. Naturally, these actions will disrupt the illumination, blocking the penetration of natural light.

The presence of natural light is mandatory for humans. Source www.ecohouse-eg.com

Important! Natural lighting makes the room more comfortable, the workplace more attractive, and has health benefits. This condition is especially important in the autumn-winter period. It has been proven that the more time a person spends under artificial lighting, the greater the likelihood of migraines and eye pressure.

Safety. Modern double-glazed windows are made of durable glass, which is quite problematic to break. Therefore, we will not consider this issue. However, it should be borne in mind that a low window sill is a source of increased danger in apartments with small children. If not every child can climb to a height of 80-90 cm and turn the handle of the transom, then performing similar actions while standing on the floor seems more feasible. There is also a high probability of falling out of panoramic windows when washing them.

The safety of children and loved ones comes first Source media.1777.ru

Healthy! The easiest way to protect your child from accidentally opening the window is to temporarily remove the handle.

Microclimate. This refers to the relationship of climatic parameters, the properties of which, when interacting with each other, create a good state of the human body. In this case, the key factor will be the possibility of placing a thermal curtain. No matter how “multi-chamber” and “energy saving” a panoramic window is, in winter it will radiate cold, which will immediately affect the temperature decrease and the humidity level of the room increase.

Natural ventilation of a cottageSource expertproject34.ru

Healthy! A solution to the problem may be an additional source of thermal energy (for example, an oil heater) installed in front of the window. But is it worth it: making panoramic windows and then cluttering them with a convector, the wire from which will stretch from the nearest outlet.

Subsequent repair work. This nuance is indirectly related to the previous one, since “repair work” here means installation of a heating system. Most modern radiators are manufactured in standard sizes and differ only in length (number of sections). Their height ranges from 40 to 70 cm. Therefore, buying a suitable battery for a correctly installed window will not be difficult. But the process of “insulating” panoramic windows requires precise calculations. They take into account the area of ​​the room, window opening, efficiency of the future heating system, thermal insulation characteristics of load-bearing (external) walls and other nuances.

It seems that the developer mixed up the walls. Source www.houzz.ru


From time to time you have to open a window or at least a window. It is important to wash the glass on both sides occasionally. And of course, all this is inconvenient to do if the height relative to the floor is chosen incorrectly. In addition, in such a room the lighting regime will generally be disrupted.

There will either be too much sunlight, or vice versa.

Aesthetic role

The window opening in the room ideally corresponds to the proper proportions. According to the canon, its area is 5.5–8 times less than the floor area. And of course, the distance from the floor to the ceiling should be approximately the same visually. At least in a typical interior. Otherwise the room will look ridiculous.


Usually, when designing a corner apartment, an additional battery is included in the project. Thanks to it, moisture and fungus should not appear on the walls. If suddenly it is not there, you should definitely connect the radiator yourself. In no case should you remove the battery on walls that face the street, since due to low temperature and high humidity, dampness will appear on them over time. It quickly passes through the wallpaper and this phenomenon not only looks unaesthetic, but is also extremely dangerous to health.

The radiators provide heat to the walls, the main thing is that they are properly connected and washed annually to ensure unhindered circulation of hot water. To completely get rid of possible mold, you should insulate the wall, but it is best to entrust this task to specialists. Two radiators in the room are very beneficial, since in winter there will always be a place to dry clothes.

End rooms usually have two windows, which has many advantages. You can look at the street from different sides, then choose your favorite view from the window, sit near it and drink tea. A corner room with two windows always has excellent natural light, which allows you to save on electricity. Seeing the sun in the morning is a great reason to lift your spirits, and watching the sunset from the window is very romantic. The presence of windows on two external walls allows you to keep an eye on a car parked nearby; you can place it on any side and be sure that no one will touch it.

Two windows in a corner room are a great way to ventilate without using air conditioning or air purification. At any time of the year, winter or summer, such ventilation will help ensure air circulation, saturating it with the necessary moisture and oxygen. It is especially good to ventilate a room if its windows are located perpendicular to each other.

The obvious advantage of living in a corner apartment is that there are fewer shared walls with neighbors, which means less to worry about. Everyone knows perfectly well what it’s like to have neighbors behind the wall who can make noise, play music at night or watch loud TV. Otherwise, the only ones who will be a source of noise will be the neighbors above.

There will be no problems with the subsequent sale; the main thing is to describe all the advantages of the apartment. and when purchasing, the obvious advantage will be that it will be much cheaper than other apartments, and nothing makes you happier than a profitable purchase of real estate.

What you need to know at the design stage

The question regarding the location of the height of the window opening above the floor level arises even at the design stage of the future structure. The main aspects that experts focus on are recommendations from building regulations, the layout of the room and its operational purpose (living room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, boiler room or office).

Healthy! Modern regulations do not provide precise regulation. Therefore, the value is taken based on the above conditions.

However, SNiP, operating in Soviet times, named a specific minimum value, which today is used as a kind of standard. A distinctive feature here is the optimal ratio of the dimensions of the heating system and the height of the window sill, which has a positive effect on optimizing the heat exchange of the room.

Dimensions of plastic windows according to GOST

At the design stage, pay attention to the location of the window opening relative to the cardinal directions. In this situation, the intensity of the penetrating light rays will depend on the time of year and day. Based on the same criterion, the size of the windows and, accordingly, their height are calculated.

Standard window height from the floor

Of course there are many options. It is not always worth following the standard. However, GOST is applied in apartments. At least in most houses. Below are the standards for different types of buildings in height.

In Stalinka, the height is universal. After all, in a children’s room the standard height is 0.7 meters, but here this figure is in all rooms. Yes, for some it will be a little low, but the residents of such a house will not encounter problems with illumination and functionality of the window. Large and low windows are a consequence of the Art Deco style in architecture.

In Khrushchev-era buildings, the window height is set to the same height as in studios. This is perhaps the most familiar option for most middle-aged people. After all, they either grew up, or lived for a long time and still live in Khrushchev-era buildings. The height of 80 cm corresponds to the priorities that were set during the construction of these buildings - practicality and efficiency.

In new buildings, the height is usually either 85 cm or 90 cm. Many prefer 0.9 meters. However, now houses with a height of 85 cm are often built. These are tall multi-apartment structures, at least ten floors, and usually more.

Reducing the height is associated with saving space. The ceilings there are low. This is why developers manage to fit so many apartments into one building. If you look at such a building from the outside, you can see how small the distance between floors is.

It is impossible to say unequivocally which of the listed height standards is better. Yes, they are justified and established at different times, but until now each value is justified in practice. We should not forget that the location of the windows was taken into account by the architects when planning so that it in no way affected the stability and strength of the structure.

Before remodeling a window opening, it is important to make sure that this will not lead to critical consequences. And this can easily end up happening if one or more experienced architects are not involved. Such redevelopment must always be agreed upon. And even in this case, if something goes wrong, the owner of the premises will ultimately be primarily responsible.

Window sill height in living rooms

When arranging windows in rooms for permanent residence, craftsmen proceed from the height of the furniture. Panoramic windows are popular in living rooms, but a seat that is too low will come as a surprise to visitors - usually I don’t make it lower than the height of the chair, which is about 40 cm, otherwise it will create inconvenience. If the window offers a gorgeous view, the arrangement of furniture should not block it - therefore, the window sill in the living room is placed at a level of approximately 80 cm above the floor level.

In bedrooms, to ensure the least penetration of light and reduce heat loss, a window sill height of 90 cm is recommended - since the windows in the bedrooms are covered with thick curtains, the difference in the location of the window sill will be barely noticeable.

Height of window sill from floor in bedroom

The most important function of a bedroom window is to provide adequate air flow on warm nights. Functional additions provide a workable area:

  • awning windows can remain open even in light rain,
  • high double mosquito nets have flaps.

Bedroom windows also come with some security considerations. If rooms are located from the second floor and above, building codes require windows to be a certain size and sill height in case of fire.

You can experiment in a private house and glaze the outer wall, but the number of floors does not allow you to deviate from the rules. Therefore, small windows are the best option for relaxation as they automatically reduce heat loss. The height from the floor to the window sill does not matter, but usually for a bedroom it is 0.9 m - the approximate height of the headboard.

Rice. 5. Height of the window sill from the floor in the bedroom

The height of the window sill from the floor in the nursery

On a children's window, the window sill is traditionally mounted at a height of 0.7 m. Experts recommend using a wide board to provide more natural light in the room. The window should be equipped with a protective net.

Rice. 6. Height of the window sill from the floor in the nursery

If the window sill is combined with a desk, this arrangement provides long-term lighting. Depending on the interaction of natural light and the window opening, the design is complemented with simple curtains without laces and an opening blocking system.

The height of the window sill from the floor in the living room

The living room occupies a significant area in the apartment and is usually equipped with large windows. But stylish glazing does not guarantee a pleasant panorama. For example, if from the living room you can only see the wall of the house opposite or a parking lot, you can change the large opening to a couple of smaller ones.

Rice. 3. Windows and window sill in the living room

Large south-facing windows can flood the entire room with bright light, but be mindful of the possibility of overheating in the summer. Many living rooms also have glass doors on their balconies. Stacking windows and doors together creates an open feel to make the home appear larger than its actual size. But this magnificence requires integration into the design using coordinated trim and accents. In this case, a window sill with a suitable texture is used.

Rice. 4. Height of the window sill from the floor in the living room

The window sill of panoramic windows is located at 0.25-0.40 m - the gap allows you to install special batteries that compensate for heat loss through the large window space. By increasing the width of the board, you can create a great place for flowers or reading.

The height of the window sill from the floor in the office

In areas such as an office, the location of the window sill is tied to the furniture. Visual well-being is ensured by the coincidence of the top line of the window opening and the cabinets, but the window sill and tabletop at the same level allow you to get maximum daylight in the workplace.

Rice. 7. Height of the window sill from the floor in the office

For the same reasons, tables are placed next to the window - in another place the workplace will require some changes. Without increasing the window parameters, it is recommended to lower the position of the window sill panel to 0.6-0.65 m. This helps to illuminate dark corners.

Window sill height in non-residential rooms

In the office, the height of the window sill is determined by the height of the desk. Since such a table is at least 75 cm in height, for good light penetration it is necessary to install the window sill at the same level. If the table is installed on the other side of the room, the seating height can be lowered.

The standard height of kitchen furniture is 90 cm. If there is no bar counter on it, then the optimal height of the window sill above the floor is 90 cm. Even if the height of the table is lower, you should not worry about its insufficient lighting. If there is a bar counter, the level of the table and chairs rises, then the window sill should be placed higher - 100-120 cm.

If the location of windows in the bathroom is planned by the project, they are installed at a distance of 120-150 cm above the floor. Since it belongs to wet rooms, the window sill board is installed higher here than in other rooms to ensure good air exchange.

In the wardrobe, it is recommended to have high windows - 180 cm from the floor - this provides good lighting for quickly finding the necessary things.

Window sill height in the attic

On the second attic floor, the window sill is located slightly higher than in ordinary living rooms - 90-100 cm. This is necessary for a better view of the yard. It should be taken into account that the lower the window sill is installed, the more heat is lost.

Frames for the hallway, bathroom, attic

For a hallway, a window height of 800 mm would be quite acceptable.
In the hallway the situation is easiest. Furniture rarely plays a role here. Therefore, unless you are using a transparent door, a landing height of 800mm will be quite acceptable. This arrangement will make your hallway bright, and a large view can reduce the time spent looking at the guest through the peephole. If any of the rooms described above is adjacent to a balcony, you can stick to the usual window size of 800 mm or select the height in accordance with the height of the furniture in the room. In bathrooms and utility rooms, lighting is often provided using electric lamps. But from a fire safety point of view, a small window in such rooms is necessary. Therefore, it is better to make the window opening slightly higher than head level, that is, higher than your height. This placement will provide uniform illumination from above and will not dazzle the eyes. 1.7 m is a normal fit in such rooms.

Structures of buildings and structures

There is an opinion that the height of the partition between the window and the ceiling is regulated, but I can’t find it anywhere?
I found some links to textbooks where they write about a minimum of 0.15-0.25 m, but the text cannot be attached to the case, we need standards like GOST, but I can only find them based on the window area and the effect on insolation. I am hope for your help! Save us from life without a cornice!

House height: 3 floors Ceiling height: 2.7-2.8 House (three types): aerated concrete, vulture panel, monolith. Location: New Moscow. None of them have a partition between the window and the ceiling of the next floor.

Everything is much worse

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